Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pre-Settlement Meeting

Our pre-settlement meeting went great. I typed a checklist with the help of my construction-background dad. I wish I saved it and I would have post it...sorry.
Our PM went through everything and don't worry, the book you get is so big and detailed that you don't have to write much down (except for any punch list, ie- things to fix.)

Closing went good which it helped having a mortgage background and we had the HUD-1 (Settlement Statement) 2 days in advance for review.

There were a couple big questions we had that others were also curious on:

1- Wire sticking out of side of house (one blue, one black):
These are connections for your phone and cable. A box is attached to your house which will conceal the holes the wire come out at and buried cable through your yard (like most of you are probably used to.)

2- Drywall sticking out between flashing and siding: This will be fixed soon and I trust our PM to do it especially based on peoples feedback from their 30 day follow up meetings.

3- River in our backyard:
This was fixed before pre-settlement and now drains very well.

I'll likely disappear for at least several days as we start moving tomorrow (actually got a small head start tonight.)


  1. Great that everything was fixed! Wish you could find that list to share.

  2. Glad you got your answers (and fixes) and that all went well.


  3. Congratulations on your new home and your new baby! I just came across your blog because we are considering building a Rome in NJ! In fact, I put my 'good faith' deposit down last Friday! I LOVE the elevation and siding you choose - in fact, before I found you, I was thinking white with black shutters is what we wanted and I was so happy to see your pictures to see what it looks like!!! THANK YOU!

  4. Thank you Maria. We do love the classic white and black look. It looked great at Christmas too with wreaths. I'll post pics.
